Firm Principal set to shake up RAA Board


After narrowly missing out last year, our firm principal, Peter Moloney has again nominated for election to the RAA Board.

Peter’s campaign is centred on three issues: Improving country roads, Motor vehicle accident compensation & reforming the RAA constitution. Read more in Peter’s Candidate Statement.

“The state of secondary roads in country SA is disgraceful” says Peter, “The RAA needs to be more vocal about that”.

On the recent changes to the Compulsory Third Party (CTP) Scheme, Peter comments: “They are very unfair and the RAA was wrong, in my opinion, to have supported them”

Peter observes that there is a push to get some fairness back into the system and says that the RAA is perfectly placed to be “an agent for positive change”.

Speaking on the RAA constitution, Peter believes that the RAA constitution creates far too much of a ‘closed shop’ favouring incumbent board members. “I was therefore not surprised to learn that no outside candidate has been elected to the RAA board for almost 20 years”, he says.

Peter’s campaign is building momentum, but he needs your support to get him over the line. Voting closes 16 October 2015.