
Contesting Wills

Under South Australian law, spouses, children, grand-children and in some cases, a parent or sibling, may have a claim against a deceased person’s estate.

Time limits apply to contesting a Will. A Court application must be brought within 6 months of a Grant of Probate (or letters of administration where there is no Will). However, you should take advice as soon as possible because notice of a claim should be given to the executors before any assets of the estate are distributed.

We are happy to discuss any potential claim with you over the phone at no charge. In most cases, we offer a no obligation, free consultation to explore whether you have a claim worth pursuing.

The new Succession Act is coming into effect from 1 January 2025. This represents the biggest legal change to Wills and Estates planning in South Australia for decades. If you feel that you have been treated unfairly in a will, now is the time to contact us for a free, no-obligation telephone discussion.

There will usually be no charge to you until the case is finalised and, as a general rule, your legal fees will be met by the estate.

Talk to us about your Wills & Estates legal issue - we’re here to listen we'll give you the very best advice.



22 Waymouth St, Adelaide
Ph: 8116 4200



20 Salisbury Hwy, Salibury
Ph: 8116 4244